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SKY Happiness Retreat

  • Rion Ballroom, Reitz Union Level 3 655 Reitz Union Drive Gainesville, FL, 32603 United States (map)

SKY Happiness Retreat is our flagship well-being program taught over 3 consecutive days (3 sessions) that includes:

  • Evidence-based breathwork and meditation - SKY Breath Meditation

  • Social connection

  • Mindful leadership and light yoga

  • Emotional intelligence training

SKY happiness retreat facilitator Avinash Tiku picture

Avinash Tiku

Purpose Coach | Public Speaker | Expert Yoga, Breathwork, and Meditation Facilitator

The upcoming retreat will be facilitated by Nitin Garg, a meditation facilitator and senior process director in PTC therapeutics, and guest speaker Avinash Tiku, a social entrepreneur and a purpose coach who has transformed millions of lives all over the world teaching meditation & skill development programs!

SKY Breath Meditation and the 3-session Happiness Retreat have been shown in research to reduce anxiety and depression significantly, lower stress markers, increase well-being and focus and improve sleep, optimism, and social connection.

Participants report an increased ability to stay calm, confident, and resilient amidst challenges, increased levels of social connection and feelings of inclusion, and less suicidal feelings.

August 29

Mind Matters

September 29

World Culture Festival